The next Quebec Regional Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 17 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Apostle/Prophet Eugene May will be in the Montreal area in mid-October and it is a wonderful opportunity to get together with our Destiny Associate Ministers, the members of the ECAMFC, and other area ministers and enjoy an informal time of sharing with Eugene May. Eugene has a wealth of … [Read more...]
Report – Ottawa Regional Meeting – Sept. 9th, 2017
You use steel to sharpen steel and one friend sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 We met in the sanctuary of Mount Zion Church in Ottawa at 10:30 and Dr. Mingardi welcomed everyone. There were twenty-four of us gathered and once again we had a group of our Spanish- speaking members from Belleville join us. After an opening prayer and an opportunity for each person present to introduce … [Read more...]
Report – Quebec Region – October 21, 2016
After about 20 minutes of fellowship, David Hibbert opened in prayer, and then introduced the members of ECAMFC to the attenders. He then gave a short presentation of the benefits of being a member of the ECAMFC, and he made resources available to all of those who were interested. Then guest speaker William Mitchell from South Africa (City Ignite Church International) shared on "The Functions … [Read more...]
Report – York Regional Meeting- Nov. 19 2016
Some Ministers emailed their regrets and stated they were hoping to attend a regional meeting at a later date. Although the attendance was small, the Holy Spirit filled the room with joy. During the time of sharing, singing Hymns and praying we felt the presence of God. We opened the meeting with prayer, then read a copy of the Mission statement of ECAMFC. We also read the report of the Ottawa … [Read more...]
Report – Kingston Regional Meeting – Oct. 24, 2016
Our October 24th 2016 regional meeting went very well. There was a couple of individuals that attended the meeting who were interested in ECAMFC. We first opened in prayer and worshiped the Lord. On behalf of ECAMFC, I welcomed all the attendees. We all shared about our respective callings and ministry and prayed for each other. We concluded the event with a fellowship lunch. It was an honor … [Read more...]