Ministerial Ethics

A minister is an ambassador for the Lord. The Lord looks at the heart but the world judges by the appearance. For this, every member of the ECAMFC is required to subscribe to and act according to the following code of ministerial ethics:  

The minister must keep the nobility of his calling uppermost in his own mind and maintain the reputation of the Christian ministry by the discretion of his actions and by abstaining from all appearance of evil. 

Special attention should be given to the following areas:


  • Confidential statements made to you are privileged. You should never divulge them without the consent of those making them. 
  • You should at all times be careful not to indulge in gossip. 


  • Dress in a respectful manner, not drawing attention to your body. 
  • Be very circumspect in your conduct toward the opposite sex.  
  • When laying on of hands or greeting others, avoid body contact and touching body parts in ways that could be misconstrued. Scriptures allow us to greet each other with a “holy” kiss. 
  • Never minister to persons of the opposite sex without a witness nearby. When counselling in your office, keep the door open. 
  • For visitations to a person of the opposite sex always have another person go with you.     


  • Dot not use your ministerial position to get unethical financial gain.  
  • Do not measure the service of your office by the monetary equivalent. 
  • Do not use manipulative ways to obtain support for your ministry.  

Other Ministers 

  • Do not interfere directly or indirectly with the work of another minister and avoid charges of proselyting. 
  • When ministering in a church with doctrinal beliefs different than your own, avoid making statements at variance with the beliefs of that church. 

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