During the Summer 2013, 2 New Membres Joined ECAMFC

We welcome in our fellowship the following new members: Rev. Vincent Marquis from Almonte, ON was ordained. He presently works at Redeemer Christian High School, in Ottawa, ON. Dr. Kwai Wah Philip Ko from North York, ON was ordained. He works at Life Builder Mission, in Markham, ON. We pray for a successful ministry as they serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Maurizio Mingardi … [Read more...]

2013 ECAMFC – National Convention Report

We had a good turn out at our convention and a blessed time of fellowship. We are grateful to the Prayer Palace and the staff there for graciously providing us their facilities for the Convention. Four new members were interviewed and accepted in ECAMFC. They are: Rev. Jose Francisco Argueta - ordained - reintstated Rev. Ann Bell - licensed Rev. Marilyn Craig - licensed Rev. John … [Read more...]

A new member in Eastern Ontario

We welcome Rev. Barry L. Edmondson who has transferred into ECAMFC. Rev. Edmondson presently has a church in North Augusta, Ontario and travels as an evangelist ministering to those who are hurting and often reaches out to the needs of 1st Nations. … [Read more...]

Our Spanish Division is Growing

Another Spanish speaking minister joined our fellowship. We welcome Rev. Orlando J. Castillo who has transferred into ECAMFC. He is presently the pastor of Jesus, La Vid Veradera, Spanish Pentecostal Church in Edmonton, Alberta. Rev. Castillo has planted a number of Spanish churches in different provinces of Canada. … [Read more...]

Two new members joined our fellowship

We welcome two new member who recently transferred into ECAMFC. They are Rev. James Christie and Rev. Rhonda Maccarone. They both minister at Joy City Church in Toronto. … [Read more...]