Bible Extension Institute (BEI)
When applicants for membership require educational upgrade for ministry they can take courses from the Bible Extension Institute (BEI) of ECAMFC.
Information on BEI is avalable from the following links.
- Introduction to BEI
- Instructions for BEI courses
- How to Study for BEI courses
- How to Prepare a Structured Summary
- Curriculum and Textbooks
- Course Application Form in (.PDF) format or if you cannot open the pdf file, try this (.RTF) format.
The fastest way to download the form is by right-clicking on one of these links and then choose from the appearing menu “Save Targer As” (or “Save Link As”depending on the browser you have).
Please, note that the PDF format is a smaller file and will download faster. However, to open it, you must have Adobe Reader© installed on your computer. The RTF file is much larger and will take more time to download, but it should open with any word processor software you have just by clicking on it.