Origin and History
E.C.A. Ministerial Fellowship of Canada
Word of Faith Missionary Association (W.F.M.A.) is founded by Rev. C.S. Hanley from Shenandoah, Iowa.
W.F.M.A. is incorporated in Shenandoah, Iowa.
W.F.M.A. becomes the Fundamentalist Ministerial Association.
July 21, the Fundamentalist Ministerial Association becomes the Evangelical Church Alliance. (E.C.A.)
Dr. Alex Ness is elected as Canadian Registrar of E.C.A.
Under his leadership E.C.A. becomes active in Canada.
Dr. Alexander Ness
The first Canadian Convention is held at the “Christian Center Church” in Toronto.
October 27, E.C.A Ministerial Fellowship of Canada (ECAMFC) is federally incorporated in Canada to address the distinctive needs of Canadian ministers.
The EACMFC is governed by a Board of Directors and remains affiliated to the parent organization. Dr. Alex Ness is elected as the Canadian President. Rev. Trevor Grey as the Canadian Secretary/Treasurer. The other members fo the Board are Rev. Paul Melnichuk and Rev. Peter Morgan.
An Ordination Ceremony in May 1992.
Rev. Gordon William is elected President of ECAMFC.
Rev. Gordon Williams
Rev. John F. Craig is elected President of ECAMFC.
Rev. John F. Craig
The Board of Directors in October 2000 after a Board meeting in Trenton, Ontario.
Board members, from left to right, Rev. Patrick A. Reid, Rev. Michael Peacefull, Rev. Gordon Williams (Vice-President), Rev. John F. Craig (President), Rev. Trevor Gray (Treasurer/Secretary), Dr. Maurizio Mingardi.
E. C. A. Ministerial Fellowship of Canada becomes an independent organization to better address the needs of Canadian ministers.
The elected Board of Directors is composed by the following members: Rev. John F. Craig (President), Rev. Gordon Williams (Vice-President), Dr. Maurizio Mingardi (Secretary and Treasurer), and Rev. Patrick A. Reid.
Dr. Maurizio Mingardi is elected President of ECAMFC.
Dr. Maurizio Mingardi
E. C. A. Ministerial Fellowship of Canada’s Head Office moves to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Rev. Patrick A. Reid is elected President of ECAMFC.
Rev. Patrick A. Reid