Report – Ottawa Regional Meeting – Sept. 9th, 2017

You use steel to sharpen steel and one friend sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 We met in the sanctuary of Mount Zion Church in Ottawa at 10:30 and Dr. Mingardi welcomed everyone. There were twenty-four of us gathered and once again we had a group of our Spanish- speaking members from Belleville join us. After an opening prayer and an opportunity for each person present to introduce … [Read more...]

Report – Ottawa Regional Meeting – Nov. 5, 2016

Saturday November 5th Each member introduced themselves and their ministries and then we had a short time of worship and praise led by an anointed local music minster, Peter Hewer.  There was a word that came forth about the Lord using us as a threshing sledge [Isaiah 1:25-29] but not as a brute instrument on the people of God but to level the hills and raise the valleys – to remove obstacles … [Read more...]

Report: Ottawa Regional Meeting – October 24, 2015

Location: Head Office 715 St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ON, K1K 3A6 11:30 am – 2:30 pm Attending: 8 members + 6 guests This is the third meeting held in Ottawa. We started with prayer and a time of worship. Dr. Mingardi welcomed those attending who then briefly introduced themselves. Dr. Mingardi shared about the ECAMFC: our goals to improve the services we provide and to grow … [Read more...]