Instructions for BEI Courses



The purpose of the homework is two-fold. First, we want to help the student to learn the material. Second, by the content of the homework we can determine the effort and the understanding of the student.

  1. The homework should be typed or produced on a computer.
  2. The homework can be sent to BEI by mail as a hard copy or in digital format: MSWord (.doc or .docx), .WordPerfect (.wpd) or generic (.rtf) file. Digital files can be emailed to the office. The student should retain a copy of the homework.
  3. The required homework may vary with the course taken. 4. Homework is evaluated in terms of Content, Organization and Clarity.


BEI gives only open book exams, that is the textbook and other books can be used during the exam. No other help can be given to the student for answering the questions. The text of the exam cannot be copied. The questions in the exam are not intended to test your personal belief on the subject, but to determine whether you have covered the material in the book. You may differ with the author on some points, but for the exam the answers must correspond with what the author has said in his book. There are three types of questions in the examination: True and False, Multiple Choice and Sentence Completion. The student can consult the textbook for searching the answers for the exam.

The exam should be taken as follows:

  • The exam envelope must be opened in the presence of a minister.
  • The exam must be completed in one session.
  • At the end of the exam session the minister must sign the completed exam and seal it the provided return envelope.
  • No copy of the exam can be made.


  • The student is informed of the result of the course, and, if needed, is given feedback to help improve performance.
  • The exam and homework are not returned to the student, but kept for documentation by BEI.
  • If the level of performance is not adequate, the student is requested to reapply for the course. Passing requirement more than 60%.


  • Upon completion of the full curriculum the student receives a diploma from BEI and a certificate listing all courses completed by the student and the grades obtained
  • Additional certificates can be relesed by BEI with the payment of a fee of $30.00.