Report – Quebec Region – October 21, 2016

After about 20 minutes of fellowship, David Hibbert opened in prayer, and then introduced the members of ECAMFC to the attenders. He then gave a short presentation of the benefits of being a member of the ECAMFC, and he made resources available to all of those who were interested.

Then guest speaker William Mitchell from South Africa (City Ignite Church International) shared on “The Functions Of Leadership”. Below are a summary of his key points.

  • As leaders, we are called to be equipping believers (Ephesians 4).
    • We must start with a clear vision. Get your vision right, stand on it, pray over it
    • We must learn how to hear and obey and trust God (Hebrews 3:7-12; John 10:27).
  • Integrity is very important in ministry.
  • Go for the lost, not for the already saved (his new church plant is 80 % new Christians). Let the Great Commission be your mission.
    • Make disciples, not babies.
    • Realize that it is difficult to do new things with old Christians, so win new Christians.
    • Challenge your members at every opportunity to invite (friendship evangelism).
    • 90 % of people come because of an invitation.
    • Always give altar calls in your home groups.
  • Focus on schools for leaders, and teach them how to serve.
    • Stick to the vision, no matter what, BUT make sure it is from God.
    • Have every member commit to make some personal disciples (Psalm 2:8).
    • Leaders should produce leaders. (You always produce what you are, so if you aren’t producing leaders, you probably aren’t a leader).
    • Pray without ceasing.
  • Don’t invite them to “church”, invite them to your home groups. (It is easier for people to connect with a small group of people, and then go with them to “church”).
    • Ask God to give you a deep love for your people.
    • Know the condition of your people, and pray for your people every day.
    • Stay humble and flexible.
  • Don’t fall into maintenance mode, don’t give up, but keep pressing on. (Hebrews 10:35-39).
    • Meet with your guests each week after the service, for refreshments (coffee, tea, cookies) and introduce them to two other leaders from the church.
    • Preach to unbelievers, but teach believers.

After the seminar, William Mitchell prayed for each person in the room, and there was a powerful time of ministry and impartation.

Submitted by David Hibbert
Senior Minister
Destiny Christian Church
Brossard, Quebec