The following is an example of how to prepare the Structured Summary of the Textbook(s) used in the courses. This example shows you the structure, but it is not intended to reflect the details required as these depend upon the subject covered. The criteria of evaluation will include: accuracy of understanding, identification of essential concepts, references to Scriptures and text, and presentation.
The student should report what the author is saying, rather than what he feels that the author should say. All ideas should be expressed as succinctly as possible. The student can also add his own comments but they should be clearly identified as “Comment:”.
We believe that this structured summary is an excellent learning tool. It enables the student to report and focus on the essential facts. It is also a valuable tool for reviewing the material studied at later times. Further, it makes it possible for us to quickly evaluate the student’s understanding and effort.
The summary should be typed or prepared on a computer with a word processing program.
We prefer if the summary is sent to BEI in digital format as an attachment to an email, recorded on a diskette, or burned on a CD. Please, in naming the files use the following naming rule: (Student ID)_(Summary ID).(format suffix). The summary ID is the Course ID when only one textbook is used. When two textbooks are used for a course, the course information will show the Courses ID to use. For example for ED103 includes two books and the SummaryID will be respectively ED103B and ED103D.
For example, student John Smith, with student ID SMT06JOH, submitting the summary of BT101 (Introduction to Biblical Theology) will name the file SMT06JOH_BT101.doc. The complete name includes the format suffix (.doc), (.wpd), or (.rtf), etc., depending on the word processing software you are using.
No blank spaces should be included in the name. This suffix is automatically added by you word processing software.
If more files of the same course are submitted they should be named: SMT06JOH_BT101_1, SMT06JOH_BT101-2 etc.
A printed copy will also be accepted, but no handwritten summary will be corrected.
Student ID: MCD06JOH
Course: BT101 – Introduction to Biblical Theology
Summary of
“What the Bible Teaches”
By R. A. Torrey
Chapter 1 – God Is a Spirit
A spirit is an incorporeal, invisible being. John 4:24 says that God is a spirit.
God created man in His image. This does not refer to the visible aspect but to the intellectual and moral aspects.
Comment: I believe that this should also include the spiritual aspects.
A spirit may manifest in visible form and God has manifested Himself in visible form. (Ex.24:9,10 – the elders of Israel saw the God of Israel, John 1:32 – I saw the Spirit descending like a dove)
What they saw was a manifestation of God, not God Himself. (John 1:18 – No man has seen God at any time. In the Old Testament the angel of the Lord is used to make this distinction and identifies a visible manifestation of Jehovah.
Chapter 2 – The Unity of God
The Scriptures show that there is one God existing and manifesting Himself in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Deut.6:4 – “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.”
The word most frequently used for God in the Old Testament is in plural form.
God can be one and three at the same time because He is a spirit.
Comment: I would like to study this topic more in detail to answer questions often asked by seekers.
Chapter 3 – The Eternity of God
God is eternal, the everlasting God (Gen.21:33). He always was, always is and always will be. He is the I Am.
God is immutable. Mal.3:6 “For I am the Lord, I change not.”
God’s counsel does not change. God remains the same but as man changes, God deals with man accordingly.
Chapter 4 – The Omnipresence of God
God is everywhere. He is near each individual.(Jer.23:23 – “Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?”)
The manifestation of God’s presence is not the same everywhere. In some places there is a greater manifestation of His presence
Comment: I find it interesting to distinguish between the “presence” and the “manifestation” of God’s presence.
Chapter 5 – The Personality of God
Chapter 1 – His Divinity
Jesus is called in many ways implying His divine nature. To mention a few: Son of God (Jn.1:18), The First and The Last (Is.44:6), The Lord (Acts 4:33), The Holy One (Hos.11:9), God with us (Mt.1:23)
Jesus Christ had divine attributes. He had power over disease, death and demons. Eh.1:20 says that he is far above all powers and dominions and every name that can be named. He knew the secret thoughts of men (Jn.6:64). He filled all in all (Eph.1:23). He is the same yesterday, and today and forever (Heb.13:8). In Him dwells all the fullness of God-head bodily (Col.2:9).
Jesus Christ has performed divine offices including: creation (Heb.1:10), upholds all things by the word of his power (Heb.1:3), can forgive sins (Lk.7:48 – “Thy sins are forgiven.”), raised the dead, is the giver of eternal life (Jn.10:28)
Many statements in the Old Testament referring to Jehovah are used in the New Testament to refer to Jesus Christ. Examples include: Lord, stone of stumbling and good shepherd.
In many instances Jesus Christ accepted worship (e.g. Mt.28:9, Lk.24:52, Mt.14:33) while no men (Acts 10:25-36) or angels (Rev.22:8-9) should be worshiped.
Chapter 2 – The Subordination of the Son to the Father
God the Father is greater than Jesus Christ (Jn.14:28). The Father begat Jesus (Jn.3:16).
This should be repeated for all books and chapters of the textbook. If appropriate, for clarity, the subdivisions of chapters can be identified.