Report – Ottawa Regional Meeting – Nov. 5, 2016

Saturday November 5th

Each member introduced themselves and their ministries and then we had a short time of worship and praise led by an anointed local music minster, Peter Hewer.  There was a word that came forth about the Lord using us as a threshing sledge [Isaiah 1:25-29] but not as a brute instrument on the people of God but to level the hills and raise the valleys – to remove obstacles for the people to be healed and delivered.

After the worship time Dr. Mingardi shared some of the recent priorities for ECAMFC. He spoke about our new initiatives which will help us to identify, prepare, certify and support our members in ministry.  After his remarks we all felt encouraged to persevere in our ministry.

We then divided into groups and  heard from each member of the group and prayed for each person. Many words of comfort, edification and exhortation were shared and we all were refreshed.

A very delicious light lunch followed and over coffee and desert continued sharing with each other. All went home well fed both spiritually and physically.

Submitted by ,

Rev. George Desjardins