Federally Incorporated Not-for-Profit Corporations
All Non-for-Profit Corporations incorporated federally were required to update their registration with Industry Canada by October 17, 2014, to satisfy the new Non-for-Profit Corporations Act.
If you missed that date, contact Industry Canada. You may still be able to submit your application for continuance. You can find information here:
Not-for-Profit Corporations
Continuance (import) of a Not-for-profit Corporation
Failing to submit your application will result in the dissolution of the corporation
Ontario Incorporated Not-for-Profit Corporations
The Non-for-profit Corporations incorporated Ontario were not required to submit this application.
However, in the next year, Ontario should have its new act in place. You can find helpful information on the Ontario Government website:
Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)