ECAMFC National Convention 2014 – Report

You can download the brochure of the Convention by clicking here.

The photo album of the convention is here.


The Convention took place at the Prayer Palace, 1111 Arrow Road, Toronto

We thank the staff of the Prayer Palace for their hospitality.


There were 47 people attending the convention..

The Speakers

The theme of the convention was “The Great Commission for Today.” This is a timely topic as the recent report from the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada shows.

The church in North America is losing ground. The values of our society are departing from their Christian roots. Now, to fulfill the Great Commission we must make disciple-making disciples. The speakers at our convention presented scriptural principles for achieving this goal.

  1. “Empowered to Fulfill the Great Commission” – by Rev. David Kitz (MP3)

Jesus, in giving the Great Commission, commanded us to receive the power of the Holy Spirit for carrying it out. The spiritual gifts are not optional for a successful ministry. They release God’s power.

  1. “Establishing the Kingdom” – by Rev. David Hibbert (MP3)

There is more than bringing people to salvation. Jesus preached the Kingdom of God. We should leave a legacy for the next generation that remains after we go. To do that we must: (1) fully embrace what is available in the kingdom, (2) share and communicate the kingdom, (3) demonstrate the kingdom, (4) live by the kingdom’s values, and (5) develop kingdom disciples.

  1. “Making Disciples of all Nations” – by Dr. Maurizio Mingardi (MP3)

Jesus made a powerful church. Statistics show that today the church is losing ground and is weak. The reason is that it has embraced contemporary philosophies and does not stand on God’s eternal principles. Biblical prophesies identify these as the end times. The statistics show a prophesied cleansing of the church. To have overcoming power, the church must return to the unchanging Biblical principles. At the same time, modern technological advances have changed the environment. Prophecy announced these changes. Physical changes are not bad. They create a window of opportunity that the church can use to reach the world with the Gospel.

Left-click on the MP3 links to listen to the messages. Right-click on the links and save the MP3 files to download the messages to your computer.

Business Meeting

Elections of the President

Rev Patrick Reid presented the results of the election.

ECAMFC conducted elections for the President by ballots distributed by mail to our members in good standing. The members of ECAMFC elect the President each year. The Directors of the Board then decide who are the officers of the corporation.

According to our bylaws, the members of the Board of Directors are the candidates for the election. One of the Directors, Rev Patrick Reid withdrew his candidacy and was not included in the ballot.

Ballots Processed

  • Ballots Distributed –           99
  • Ballots Received –             63

Votes for the candidates

  • Rev. John Craig –                    14 votes
  • Dr. Maurizio Mingardi –           27 votes
  • Rev. Gordon Williams –          22 votes

Three witnesses opened the envelopes received, counted the votes and signed a document with the results.

Dr. Mingardi is the elected President for 2014.

Status of ECAMFC

Dr. Mingardi presented a brief summary of the progress made in the first ten years of operation. Following is a list of the major points covered.

  • Developed an integrated Computer System automating all the functions of the Head Office, including finances, membership and Bible Institute.
  • Developed Office Procedures for all the functions of the Head Office, Training of Administrative Assistant for the Head Office.
  • Developed a new Website used to advertise ECAMFC and communicate information to the members.
  • Developed courses for the Bible Extension Institute to prepare applicants requiring training for ministry. A number of students have taken the courses and graduated. Other students are presently taking courses. We are developing more courses.
  • The maximum number of Board of Directors was increased from four to seven.
  • Developed and distributed a policy for Nomination and Selection of Board Members. The policy will be available on the website. One candidate was nominated and will be processed according to the policy.
  • Developed a policy for processing applicants for membership who do not satisfy educational requirements.
  • Submitted an Application for Continuation of ECAMFC to the government to comply with the new legislation. We are improving our bylaws. They will be available to all members for review.
  • A Directory of the Members is available on our website. By the end of 2014, this directory will display photos of the members. By 2015, the Members’ ID Cards will display the photo of the member.
  • Developed guidelines for local members’ meetings. After some tests, the meetings will start this year. Our goal is to increase the fellowship between members and to attract new members.
  • We want to increase the dialog with all our members. We will implement ways to do that.

Ordination of New Members

One new member was ordained, Dr. Philip K. W. Ko.

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About Maurizio Mingardi

Dr. Maurizio Mingardi, in 1972, had an encounter with God that totally changed his life. From a scientist doing research in Quantum Mechanics and an atheist, Maurizio became a believer and a disciple of Jesus Christ. Then a spiritual journey began. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and later started Mount Zion Church of the Firstborn in Ottawa, Ontario. Maurizio has been in the ministry for more than 30 years and is presently the Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Church. He has also filled a number of executive positions in public and religious organizations. In 2014 he was elected President of ECAMFC.